Have you received notification from Merge that they are sunsetting their EMR product, OrthoPad?
Have you heard about an agreement between Athena and Merge to convert OrthoPad clients to their platform?
Before you do anything, don't you owe it to yourself and your practice to evaluate a TRULY orthopaedic-exclusive solution designed around your unique needs?
At Phoenix Ortho, we believe that OrthoPad customers, who purchased OrthoPad because it was marketed primarily to support orthopaedic end-users, will find our product and services to be a natural evolution to their existing OrthoPad workflow – adding deeper and richer orthopaedic functionality to their HIT experience. Athena, on the other hand, is a multi-specialty product designed primarily around the needs of primary care medicine. Phoenix Ortho is the national leader in orthopaedic-exclusive HIT.
We are reaching out to Merge/OrthoPad users offering them the opportunity to view our product and to talk with us about special pricing and an easy conversion pathway to move to Phoenix Ortho.
For all Merge/OrthoPad groups partnering with Phoenix Ortho by May 31st (extended offer) we will offer a free data conversion. Please fill out the form to the right or contact demo@phoenixortho.net or call (800) 843-8179 ext. 116.